Source code for pymethylprocess.general_machine_learning

Contains a machine learning class to perform scikit-learn like operations, along with held-out hyperparameter grid search.
from pymethylprocess.MethylationDataTypes import MethylationArray
import pickle, numpy as np
from hypopt import GridSearch
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

[docs]class MachineLearning: """Machine learning class to run sklearn-like pipeline on MethylationArray data. Initialize object with scikit-learn model, and optionally supply a hyperparameter search grid. model Scikit-learn-like model, classification, regression, dimensionality reduction, clustering etc. options Options to supply model in form of dictionary. grid Alternatively, supply search grid to search for bets hyperparameters. labelencode T/F encode string labels. n_eval Number of evaluations for randomized grid search, if set to 0, perform exhaustive grid search """ def __init__(self, model, options, grid={}, labelencode=False, n_eval=0): if grid: self.model = GridSearch(model = model(), param_grid=grid, num_random_search=None if not n_eval else n_eval) self.param_grid_exists=True self.grid=grid else: self.model=model(**options) self.param_grid_exists=False if labelencode: self.encoder=LabelEncoder() else: self.encoder=None
[docs] def fit(self, train_methyl_array, val_methyl_array=None, outcome_cols=None): """Fit data to model. Parameters ---------- train_methyl_array Training MethylationArray. val_methyl_array Validation MethylationArray. Can set to None. outcome_cols Set to none if not needed, but phenotype column to train on, can be multiple. """ if outcome_cols != None: if self.encoder != None:[outcome_cols]) if self.param_grid_exists:,self.encoder.transform(train_methyl_array.pheno[outcome_cols]) if self.encoder != None else train_methyl_array.pheno[outcome_cols], val_methyl_array.beta,self.encoder.transform(val_methyl_array.pheno[outcome_cols]) if self.encoder != None else val_methyl_array.pheno[outcome_cols], scoring='accuracy' if self.encoder!=None else 'r2') else:,self.encoder.transform(train_methyl_array.pheno[outcome_cols]) if self.encoder != None else train_methyl_array.pheno[outcome_cols]) else: return self.model
[docs] def transform(self, test_methyl_array): """Transform test methylation array. Parameters ---------- test_methyl_array Testing MethylationArray. """ self.results=self.model.transform(test_methyl_array.beta) return self.results
[docs] def fit_transform(self, train_methyl_array, outcome_cols=None): """Fit and transform to training data. Parameters ---------- train_methyl_array Training MethylationArray. outcome_cols Set to none if not needed, but phenotype column to train on, can be multiple. """, outcome_cols=None).transform(train_methyl_array) return self.results
[docs] def predict(self, test_methyl_array): """Make new predictions on test methylation array. Parameters ---------- test_methyl_array Testing MethylationArray. """ self.results=self.model.predict(test_methyl_array.beta) if self.encoder != None: self.results=self.encoder.inverse_transform(self.results) return self.results
[docs] def fit_predict(self, train_methyl_array, outcome_cols=None): """Fit and predict training data. Parameters ---------- train_methyl_array Training MethylationArray. outcome_cols Set to none if not needed, but phenotype column to train on, can be multiple. """, outcome_cols).predict(train_methyl_array) return self.results
[docs] def store_results(self, output_pkl, results_dict={}): """Store results in pickle file. Parameters ---------- output_pkl Output pickle to dump results to. results_dict Supply own results dict to be dumped. """ if not results_dict: results_dict=dict(results=self.results) pickle.dump(results_dict,open(results_dict,'wb'))
[docs] def assign_results_to_pheno_col(self, methyl_array, new_col, output_pkl): """Assign results to new phenotype column. Parameters ---------- methyl_array MethylationArray. new_col New column name. output_pkl Output pickle to dump MethylationArray to. """ methyl_array.pheno[new_col]=self.results methyl_array.write_pickle(output_pkl)
[docs] def transform_results_to_beta(self, methyl_array, output_pkl): """Transform beta matrix into reduced beta matrix and store. Parameters ---------- methyl_array MethylationArray. output_pkl Output pickle to dump MethylationArray to. """ methyl_array.beta = pd.DataFrame(self.results,index=self.beta.index) methyl_array.write_pickle(output_pkl)
[docs] def return_outcome_metric(self, methyl_array, outcome_cols, metric, run_bootstrap=False): """Supply metric to evaluate results. Parameters ---------- methyl_array MethylationArray to evaluate. outcome_cols Outcome phenotype columns. metric Sklearn evaluation metric. run_bootstrap Make 95% CI from 1k bootstraps. """ y_true = methyl_array.pheno[outcome_cols] y_pred = self.results if not bootstrap: return metric(y_true,y_pred) else: from sklearn.utils import resample boot_results=np.array([metric(*resample(y_true,y_pred,random_state=123)) for i in range(n_bootstrap)]) original = metric(y_true,y_pred) std_err = np.std(boot_results) boot_results=np.sort(boot_results) ci=0.95 bound=(1-ci)/2. # BORROWED FROM MLXTEND def quantile(x, q): rank = round(q * x.shape[0]) - 1 if rank >= x.shape[0]: rank = x.shape[0] elif rank <= 0: rank = 0 rank = int(round(rank)) return x[rank] high_ci = quantile(boot_results, q=(ci + bound)) low_ci = quantile(boot_results, q=bound) return original, std_err, (low_ci,high_ci)