Source code for pymethylprocess.MethylationDataTypes

Contains datatypes core to storing beta and phenotype methylation data, and imputation.

import pandas as pd, numpy as np
import pickle, os

[docs]class MethylationArray: """Stores beta and phenotype information and performs various operations. Initialize MethylationArray object by inputting dataframe of phenotypes and dataframe of beta values with samples as index. pheno_df Phenotype dataframe (samples x covariates) beta_df Beta Values Dataframe (samples x cpgs)""" def __init__(self, pheno_df, beta_df, name=''): """""" self.pheno=pheno_df self.beta=beta_df def export(self, output_pickle): pass
[docs] def write_csvs(self, output_dir): """Write phenotype data and beta values to csvs. Parameters ---------- output_dir Directory to output csv files. """ self.pheno.to_csv('{}/pheno.csv'.format(output_dir)) self.beta.to_csv('{}/beta.csv'.format(output_dir))
[docs] def write_pickle(self, output_pickle, disease=''): """Store phenotype data and beta values in pickle file. Is default file format for storing MethylationArray objects. Parameters ---------- output_pickle Pickle file to store MethylationArray data. """ output_dict = {} if 0 and os.path.exists(output_pickle): output_dict = pickle.load(open(output_pickle,'rb')) output_dict['pheno'] = self.pheno # if not disease else 'pheno_{}'.format(disease) output_dict['beta'] = self.beta # if not disease else 'beta_{}'.format(disease) pickle.dump(output_dict, open(output_pickle,'wb'),protocol=4)
[docs] def write_db(self, conn, disease=''): """Store phenotype data and beta values in SQL database. Parameters ---------- conn SQLite connection. disease Create new tables in db that are related to disease state by this name. """ self.pheno.to_sql('pheno' if not disease else 'pheno_{}'.format(disease), con=conn, if_exists='replace') self.beta.to_sql('beta' if not disease else 'beta_{}'.format(disease), con=conn, if_exists='replace')
[docs] def impute(self, imputer): """Perform imputation on NaN beta vaues. Input imputater returned from ImputerObject. Parameters ---------- imputer Type of imputer object, in sklearn type interface. """ self.beta = pd.DataFrame(imputer.fit_transform(self.beta),index=self.beta.index,columns=list(self.beta))
[docs] def return_shape(self): """Return dimensionality and number of samples of beta matrix.""" return self.beta.shape
[docs] def bin_column(self, col, n_bins): """Turn continuous variable/covariate into categorical bins. Returns name of new column and updates phenotype matrix to reflect this change. Parameters ---------- col Continuous column of phenotype array to bin. n_bins Number of bins to create. """ new_col_name='{}_{}'.format(col,'binned') self.pheno[new_col_name]=np.vectorize(lambda x: x.replace(' ',''))(pd.cut(self.pheno[col],n_bins).astype(str)) return new_col_name
[docs] def split_train_test(self, train_p=0.8, stratified=True, disease_only=False, key='disease', subtype_delimiter=',', val_p=0.): # """Split MethylationArray into training and test sets, with option to stratify by categorical covariate. Parameters ---------- train_p Fraction of methylation array to use as training set. stratified Whether to stratify by categorical variable. disease_only Consider disease superclass by some delimiter. For instance if disease is S1,s2, superclass would be S1. key Column to stratify on. subtype_delimiter How to split disease column into super/subclass. val_p If set greater than 0, will create additional validation set, fraction of which is broken off from training set. """ np.random.seed(42) if stratified: train_pheno=self.pheno.groupby(self.split_key(key,subtype_delimiter) if disease_only else key,group_keys=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(frac=train_p)) else: train_pheno = self.pheno.sample(frac=train_p) test_pheno = self.pheno.drop(train_pheno.index) train_arr, test_arr = MethylationArray(train_pheno,self.beta.loc[train_pheno.index.values,:],'train'),MethylationArray(test_pheno,self.beta.loc[test_pheno.index.values,:],'test') if val_p > 0: train_arr, val_arr = train_arr.split_train_test(1.-val_p,stratified,disease_only,key,subtype_delimiter) return train_arr, test_arr, val_arr else: return train_arr, test_arr
[docs] def subsample(self, key='disease', n_samples=None, frac=None, categorical=False): """Subsample MethylationArray, make the set randomly smaller. Parameters ---------- key If stratifying, use this column of pheno array. n_samples Number of samples to consider overall, or per stratum. frac Alternative to n_samples, where x frac of array or stratum is considered. categorical Whether to stratify by column. """ np.random.seed(42) if categorical: pheno=self.pheno.groupby(key,group_keys=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(frac=frac, n=min(x.shape[0],n_samples))) else: pheno=self.pheno.sample(frac=frac, n=min(n_samples,self.pheno.shape[0])) return MethylationArray(pheno,self.beta.loc[pheno.index.values,:],'subsampled')
[docs] def split_key(self, key, subtype_delimiter): """Manipulate an entire phenotype column, splitting each element up by some delimiter. Parameters ---------- key Phenotype column. subtype_delimiter How to break up strings in columns. S1,s2 -> S1 for instance. """ new_key = '{}_only'.format(key) self.pheno.loc[:,new_key] = self.pheno[key].map(lambda x: x.split(subtype_delimiter)[0]) return new_key
[docs] def remove_whitespace(self, key): """Remove whitespaces from phenotype column. Parameters ---------- key Phenotype column. """ self.pheno.loc[:,key]=self.pheno[key].map(lambda x: x.replace(' ',''))
[docs] def split_by_subtype(self, disease_only, subtype_delimiter): """Split MethylationArray into generator of MethylationArrays by phenotype column. Much akin to groupby. Only splits from disease column. Parameters ---------- disease_only Consider disease superclass. subtype_delimiter How to break up disease column if using disease_only. """ for disease, pheno_df in self.pheno.groupby(self.split_key('disease',subtype_delimiter) if disease_only else 'disease'): new_disease_name = disease.replace(' ','') beta_df = self.beta.loc[pheno_df.index,:] yield MethylationArray(pheno_df,beta_df,new_disease_name)
[docs] def feature_select(self, n_top_cpgs, feature_selection_method='mad', metric='correlation', nn=10): """Perform unsupervised feature selection on MethylationArray. Parameters ---------- n_top_cpgs Number of CpGs to retain. feature_selection_method Method to perform selection. metric If considering structural feature selection like SPEC, use this distance metric. nn Number of nearest neighbors. """ if feature_selection_method=='mad': mad_cpgs = self.beta.mad(axis=0).sort_values(ascending=False) top_mad_cpgs = np.array(list(mad_cpgs.iloc[:n_top_cpgs].index)) self.beta = self.beta.loc[:, top_mad_cpgs] elif feature_selection_method=='spectral': from pynndescent.pynndescent_ import PyNNDescentTransformer from skfeature.function.similarity_based.SPEC import spec if nn: W=PyNNDescentTransformer(n_neighbors=nn,metric=metric).fit_transform(self.beta.values) print('W computed...') f_weights = spec(self.beta.values,W=W) print('weights',f_weights) else: f_weights = spec(self.beta.values) self.beta = self.beta.iloc[:, np.argsort(f_weights)[::-1][:n_top_cpgs]]
[docs] def remove_missingness(self, cpg_threshold=None, sample_threshold=None): """Remove samples and CpGs with certain level of missingness.. Parameters ---------- cpg_threshold If more than fraction of Samples for this CpG are missing, remove cpg. sample_threshold If more than fraction of CpGs for this sample are missing, remove sample. """ cpgs_remove = np.array([]) samples_remove = np.array([]) cpgs=self.return_cpgs() samples=self.return_idx() na_frame = pd.isna(self.beta).astype(int) if cpg_threshold != None: cpgs_remove=cpgs[na_frame.sum(axis=0).apply(lambda x: x/float(na_frame.shape[0])).values >= cpg_threshold] if sample_threshold != None: samples_remove=samples[na_frame.sum(axis=1).apply(lambda x: x/float(na_frame.shape[1])) >= sample_threshold] self.beta = self.beta.loc[~np.isin(samples,samples_remove),~np.isin(cpgs,cpgs_remove)] self.pheno = self.pheno.loc[self.beta.index,:]
[docs] def remove_na_samples(self, outcome_cols): """Remove samples of MethylationArray who have missing values in phenotype column. Parameters ---------- outcome_cols Phenotype columns, if any rows contain missing values, samples are removed. """ vals=self.pheno[outcome_cols].values if len(vals.shape) < 2: vals = vals[:,np.newaxis] remove_bool = ~np.isnan(vals).any(axis=1).flatten() self.pheno=self.pheno[remove_bool] self.beta=self.beta[remove_bool]
[docs] def subset_index(self,index): """Subset MethylationArray by samples. Parameters ---------- index Sample names to subset by. """ return MethylationArray(self.pheno.loc[index,:],self.beta.loc[index,:])
[docs] def return_idx(self): """Return sample names of MethylationArray. """ return np.array(list(self.pheno.index))
[docs] def return_cpgs(self): """Return list of cpgs of MethylationArray""" return np.array(list(self.beta))
[docs] def return_raw_beta_array(self): """Return numpy array of methylation beta vaues.""" return self.beta.values
[docs] def subset_cpgs(self,cpgs): """Subset beta matrix by list of Cpgs. Parameters ---------- cpgs Cpgs to subset by. """ return MethylationArray(self.pheno,self.beta.loc[:,cpgs])
[docs] def categorical_breakdown(self, key): """Print categorical distribution, counts for each unique value in phenotype column. Parameters ---------- key Phenotype Column. """ from collections import Counter print('\n'.join(['{}:{}'.format(k,v) for k,v in Counter(self.pheno[key].values).items()]))
[docs] def overwrite_pheno_data(self, preprocess_sample_df): """Feed in another phenotype dataframe that will overwrite overlapping keys of existing phenotype array. Parameters ---------- preprocess_sample_df New phenotype dataframe. """ preprocess_sample_df=preprocess_sample_df.loc[self.pheno.index,:] for col in list(preprocess_sample_df): if col in list(self.pheno): self.pheno.loc[:,col]=preprocess_sample_df[col] else: self.pheno[col]=preprocess_sample_df[col]
[docs] def merge_preprocess_sheet(self, preprocess_sample_df): """Feed in another phenotype dataframe that will be merged with existing phenotype array. Parameters ---------- preprocess_sample_df New phenotype dataframe. """ self.pheno=self.pheno.merge(preprocess_sample_df,on=['Basename'],how='inner') if 'disease_x' in list(self.pheno): self.pheno = self.pheno.rename(columns={'disease_x':'disease'}) self.pheno = self.pheno[[col for col in list(self.pheno) if not col.startswith('Unnamed:')]] self.pheno=self.pheno.set_index([np.vectorize(lambda x: x.split('/')[-1])(self.pheno['Basename'])],drop=False)
[docs] def groupby(self, key): """Groupby for Methylation Array. Returns generator of methylation arrays grouped by key. Parameters ---------- preprocess_sample_df New phenotype dataframe. """ for name, df in self.pheno.groupby(key): yield (str(name), MethylationArray(pheno_df=self.pheno.loc[df.index],beta_df=self.beta.loc[df.index]))
[docs] @classmethod def from_pickle(self, input_pickle): """Load MethylationArray stored in pickle. Usage: MethylationArray.from_pickle([input_pickle]) Parameters ---------- input_pickle Stored MethylationArray pickle. """ return MethylationArray(*extract_pheno_beta_df_from_pickle_dict(pickle.load(open(input_pickle,'rb'))))
[docs]class MethylationArrays: """Literally a list of methylation arrays, with methods operate on these arrays that is memory efficient. Initialize with list of methylation arrays. Can optionally leave list empty or with one element. list_methylation_arrays List of methylation arrays.""" def __init__(self, list_methylation_arrays): """ """ self.methylation_arrays = list_methylation_arrays def __len__(self): """Number of stored methylation arrays.""" return len(self.methylation_arrays)
[docs] def combine(self, array_generator=None): # FIXME add sort based on samples """Combine the list of methylation arrays into one array via concatenation of beta matrices and phenotype arrays. Parameters ---------- array_generator Generator of additional methylation arrays for computational memory minimization. """ if len(self.methylation_arrays)> 1: pheno_df=pd.concat([methylArr.pheno for methylArr in self.methylation_arrays], join='inner')#.sort() beta_df=pd.concat([methylArr.beta for methylArr in self.methylation_arrays], join='inner')#.sort() else: pheno_df=self.methylation_arrays[0].pheno beta_df=self.methylation_arrays[0].beta if array_generator != None: for methylArr in array_generator: pheno_df=pd.concat([pheno_df,methylArr.pheno], join='inner') beta_df=pd.concat([beta_df,methylArr.beta], join='inner') return MethylationArray(pheno_df,beta_df)
[docs] def write_dbs(self, conn): """Write list of methylation arrays to SQL database. Recommend naming MethylationArray. Parameters ---------- conn SQL connection. """ for methyl_arr in self.methylation_arrays: methyl_arr.write_db(conn,
[docs] def write_pkls(self,pkl): """Write list of methylation arrays to single pickle. Recommend naming each MethylationArray. Parameters ---------- pkl Pickle file to write to. """ for methyl_arr in self.methylation_arrays: methyl_arr.write_pickle(pkl,
[docs] def impute(self, imputer): """Impute all methylation arrays. Parameters ---------- imputer Type of imputation, sklearn-like. """ for i in range(len(self.methylation_arrays)): self.methylation_arrays[i].impute(imputer)
[docs]class ImputerObject: """Class that stores and accesses different types of imputers. Construct sklearn-like imputer given certain input arguments. solver Library for imputation, eg. sklearn, fancyimpute. method Imputation method in library, named. opts Additional options to assign to imputer.""" def __init__(self, solver, method, opts={}): """ """ from fancyimpute import KNN, NuclearNormMinimization, SoftImpute, IterativeImputer, BiScaler from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer import inspect imputers = {'fancyimpute':dict(KNN=KNN,MICE=IterativeImputer,BiScaler=BiScaler,Soft=SoftImpute), 'impyute':dict(), 'sklearn':dict(Mean=SimpleImputer(strategy='mean'),Zero=SimpleImputer(strategy='constant'))} try: from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer f=IterativeImputer opts['n_nearest_features']=opts['k'] opts={key: opts[key] for key in opts if key in inspect.getargspec(f.__init__)[0]} opts.update(dict(min_value=0.,sample_posterior=True,max_value=1.)) imputers['sklearn']['MICE']=f(**opts) except: print('Please install development branch of iterative imputer from sklearn. Defaulting to mean imputation.') imputers['sklearn']['MICE']=imputers['sklearn']['SimpleImputer'] try: if solver == 'fancyimpute': f=imputers[solver][method] opts={key: opts[key] for key in opts if key in inspect.getargspec(f.__init__)[0]} self.imputer=f(**opts) else: self.imputer = imputers[solver][method] except: print('{} {} not a valid combination.\nValid combinations:{}'.format( solver, method, '\n'.join('{}:{}'.format(solver,','.join(imputers[solver].keys())) for solver in imputers))) exit()
[docs] def return_imputer(self): """Return initialized sklearn-like imputer.""" return self.imputer
#### FUNCTIONS ####
[docs]def extract_pheno_beta_df_from_folder(folder): """Return phenotype and beta dataframes from specified folder with csv. Parameters ---------- folder Input folder. """ return pd.read_csv(folder+'/pheno.csv'), pd.read_csv(folder+'/beta.csv')
[docs]def extract_pheno_beta_df_from_pickle_dict(input_dict, disease=''): """Return phenotype and beta dataframes from specified dictionary storing MethylationArray python dictionary. Parameters ---------- input_dict Python disctionary storing pheno/beta information. """ if disease: return input_dict['pheno_{}'.format(disease)], input_dict['beta_{}'.format(disease)] else: return input_dict['pheno'], input_dict['beta']
[docs]def extract_pheno_beta_df_from_sql(conn, disease=''): """Return phenotype and beta dataframes from SQL tables storing MethylationArray info. Parameters ---------- conn SQL connection. """ if disease: return pd.read_sql('select * from {};'.format('pheno_{}'.format(disease)),conn), pd.read_sql('select * from {};'.format('beta_{}'.format(disease)),conn) else: return pd.read_sql('select * from {};'.format('pheno'),conn), pd.read_sql('select * from {};'.format('beta'),conn)