Welcome to PyMethylProcess's documentation! =========================================== https://github.com/Christensen-Lab-Dartmouth/PyMethylProcess To get started, download pymethylprocess using Docker (joshualevy44/pymethylprocess) or PIP (pymethylprocess) and run pymethyl-install_r_dependencies. There is both an API and CLI available for use. Examples for CLI usage can be found in ./example_scripts. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: .. image:: yimages/pymethylprocess_overview.jpeg :width: 800px :height: 600px :scale: 60% :alt: Download :align: center .. image:: yimages/pipeline-download.jpeg :width: 800px :height: 600px :scale: 60% :alt: Download :align: center .. image:: yimages/pipeline-format.jpeg :width: 800px :height: 600px :scale: 60% :alt: Format :align: center .. image:: yimages/pipeline-preprocess.jpeg :width: 800px :height: 600px :scale: 60% :alt: Preprocess :align: center .. image:: yimages/pipeline-visualize.jpeg :width: 800px :height: 600px :scale: 60% :alt: Visualize :align: center .. image:: yimages/pipeline-train-test-split.jpeg :width: 800px :height: 600px :scale: 60% :alt: TrainTestSplit :align: center .. automodule:: pymethylprocess.PreProcessDataTypes :members: .. automodule:: pymethylprocess.MethylationDataTypes :members: .. automodule:: pymethylprocess.meffil_functions :members: .. automodule:: pymethylprocess.general_machine_learning :members: .. click:: pymethylprocess.installer:install :prog: pymethyl-install :show-nested: .. click:: pymethylprocess.visualizations:visualize :prog: pymethyl-visualize :show-nested: .. click:: pymethylprocess.preprocess:preprocess :prog: pymethyl-preprocess :show-nested: .. click:: pymethylprocess.utils:util :prog: pymethyl-utils :show-nested: Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`