Source code for methylnet.torque_jobs

Wraps and runs your commands through torque.

import os

[docs]def assemble_replace_dict(command, use_gpu, additions, queue, time, ngpu): """Create dictionary to update BASH submission script for torque. Parameters ---------- command : type Command to executer through torque. use_gpu : type GPUs needed? additions : type Additional commands to add (eg. module loads). queue : type Queue to place job in. time : type How many hours to run job for. ngpu : type Number of GPU to use. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary used to update Torque Script. """ replace_dict = {'COMMAND':"{} {}".format('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="$gpuNum"' if use_gpu else '',command), 'GPU_SETUP':"""gpuNum=`cat $PBS_GPUFILE | sed -e 's/.*-gpu//g'` unset CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES export CUDA_DEVICE=$gpuNum""" if use_gpu else '', 'NGPU':'#PBS -l gpus={}'.format(ngpu) if (use_gpu and ngpu) else '', 'USE_GPU':"#PBS -l feature=gpu" if use_gpu else '', 'TIME':str(time),'QUEUE':queue,'ADDITIONS':additions} return replace_dict
[docs]def run_torque_job_(replace_dict, additional_options=""): """Run torque job after creating submission script. Parameters ---------- replace_dict : type Dictionary used to replace information in bash script to run torque job. additional_options : type Additional options to pass scheduler. Returns ------- str Custom torque job name. """ txt="""#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N run_torque #PBS -q QUEUE NGPU USE_GPU #PBS -l walltime=TIME:00:00 #PBS -j oe cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR GPU_SETUP ADDITIONS COMMAND""" for k,v in replace_dict.items(): txt = txt.replace(k,v) with open('','w') as f: f.write(txt) job=os.popen("mksub {} {}".format('',additional_options)).read().strip('\n') return job
[docs]def assemble_run_torque(command, use_gpu, additions, queue, time, ngpu, additional_options=""): """Runs torque job after passing commands to setup bash file. Parameters ---------- command : type Command to executer through torque. use_gpu : type GPUs needed? additions : type Additional commands to add (eg. module loads). queue : type Queue to place job in. time : type How many hours to run job for. ngpu : type Number of GPU to use. additional_options : type Additional options to pass to Torque scheduler. Returns ------- job Custom job name. """ job = run_torque_job_(assemble_replace_dict(command, use_gpu, additions, queue, time, ngpu),additional_options) return job